Dungeons System

In Prism Skyblock you will find one of the most complex and intricate Dungeon System available in the Minecraft Setup market.

What is a dungeon?

Dungeon is an instance-based, private area where players get to kill mobs, loot chests and fight bosses in order to get rewards. Raiding dungeon is essentials in progressing through the game and rewards some of the most useful and powerful piece of gear.

In Prism Skyblock, when a player/party starts a dungeon, they are spawned into a spawn room. Once they all gather around the entrance door, it opens up and dungeon begins. Players will now have to clear each room by killing all the mobs and getting to the door, which will open once there are no mobs left. Scattered in each room are loot chests, which can be loot to recieve various rewards. Once they reach the last room, they have to fight a mini-boss and then be teleported into the Boss Chamber.

Boss chamber is the final obstacle of the dungeon, featuring one very powerful boss. Once it is killed, the dungeon is completed and all players are teleported into the Rewards Chamber.

Rewards chamber features 3 chests, Diamond - Emerald - Star. Each chests require their respective keys to open, releasing various loot depending on the tier of chest. Each player can open up to all three chests providing they have the keys.

How do I edit the loot/chamber chests contents?

All loot/chamber chests content are handled by Mythicmobs, if you want to change it, head to mythicmobs/loot_tables/loh and change the ymls to your desire.

How can I edit mobs/bosses hp, abilities, etc?

You can change all mobs in dungeon by heading to mythicmobs/mobs and mythicmobs/skills.

How to edit/create a new dungeon?

You can edit existing dungeon by typing /md edit loh. Then, make your edits there using the function tool. Getting to know the plugin is crucial, so read these wiki pages.

Creating a new dungeon is a complex and time-consuming task that cannot be taught in a single guide like this. Please make yourself familiar with MythicDungeons plugin :)

Last updated